In order to improve the quality of graduates produced by both public and private universities, the Ministry of Education announced the implementation of comprehensive exit exams for all undergraduate students, beginning the 2022/2023 academic year.  

The exit exam is intended to ensure all graduates from HEIs have developed adequate mastery of the core competencies articulated in the respective curricula. It is believed that the new requirement raises the quality of education and improves the effectiveness of higher learning institutions.  

In line with this, St. Mary’s University conducted a comprehensive pretest test from November 07 to November 8 2022, in a bid to identify the gaps in the learning outcomes of graduating class students, and to prepare them for the upcoming nationwide exit exams. 

According to Wubshet Shiferaw (PhD), St Mary’s University’s Director of Testing Center, the center has been offering the comprehensive Pretest for the last 10 years. He explained that it is crucial for the University in a way to give an insight into where most learners’ strengths lie and where they are lacking. It can then be used to revamp the curriculum focusing on those weaknesses. “The whole purpose, in one way or another, is improving students' achievement, enhancing graduates 'performance, improving quality of education and graduates' competence in their respective fields of study,” he added.  

